Can't see available jobs

I’m sitting at airfield A and I want to see what jobs are at airfield B so I enter its ICAO in the ‘Find an airport’ which takes me to B’s profile page but unlike previously, I can’t get the job listing for B. Going to the Jobs dropdown and choosing All just gives me the list of jobs for airfield A where I am at the moment. Not being able to plan ahead would be a bummer 8(

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Yes, you can´t check available jobs at other airport and you can´t check the planes available. You need to check airplane catalog, check rent and see if the plane is at your airport.


I am having the same issue, not seeing jobs at another airport. It used to be possible before this major update. I haven’t found any new way to do see them.

If it will be corrected, it would also be nice to add the possibility to check jobs TO a certain airport.

It’s fixed now ! Thanks