Aviatife correctly loads fuel for the flight on MSFS most of the time, but it is not clear if it loads the cargo or not.
In most cases (planes) that I have flown it does not seem to load the cargo (at least G36, DA62 and A310)
However it has been suggested on Discord that it does load the cargo, but due to a visual bug it doesn’t show up in MSFS Weight and Balance tab.
Alternatively, it may be that Aviatife tries to load it but fails on many planes due to different implementations (e.g. the A310 has its own weight loader through a simulated tablet).
If the latter is true it may be hard to make cargo load correctly on all planes, however it may be good to have an official statement posted somewhere that explains the situation 
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It seems to not work / display correctly on the base game Cessna 172 as well.
I’m just starting flying with DA62. It’s not showing the load at W&B widget but the plane gets heavier when I start tracking flight. It would be nice to be able to set load on stations and the client/system would check if the load matches the assigned flight. It would also help to balance the plane properly.
To balance it, set the weight correctly in MSFS World Map and then set also the CG there.
Plane should neither feel heavier nor lighter by start tracking and the Balance works. At least at the MV22B and the CJ4 what are the Planes i know best and defenitely would notice a major change in weight or CG, with the MV22B being quite sensitive to CG changes compared to others.