[Critical] - Rent a new building page no longer working

The Rent a new building page is no longer accessible.
This has happened before, but it usually “autoresolved” shortly (maybe in 1 hour or so?).
This time, the page seems to be down in a more permanent manner, as it has not recovered since January 20 (2 days ago).

If I understood correctly on Discord, the error is due to some error of MeteoBlue API.
In the Rent a new building page, I guess the MeteoBlue API is used for displaying the average temperatures for Farmlands. Would it be possible to turn this off so that the page works and buildings can be rented again?

As a workaround for those who want to manually check temperaturs for Farmlands, I suggest to visit https://weatherspark.com/ , which gives the temperature averages for all year round.
In the search button it often recognizes ICAO airport codes.


Moderation Note -Adding to backlog

This has been fixed and released yesterday. Thanks!