[Major] - Crash Detection Difficulty Setting not Working as Intended

According to @JollyGreen, Disabling Crash Detection in the difficulty settings allows him to pass flight validation. However when attempting to fly, a “Your flight has been cancelled due to changes in prohibited settings.” Therefore not allowing him to fly with the setting off.

Original Thread here.

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Thank you! You’re better with words than I am.

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I’ll have to reset my account once this is working. I keep getting penalized for not completing the jobs I can’t track. :persevere:

Moderation note - Added to backlog

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After checking the new option in Aviatife settings, I am having the same issue when crash and stress damage is turned off in MSFS. To try an alternative config, I enabled damage in MSFS and kept the option checked Aviatife. When I crashed in MSFS, I still lost my plane and job availability.

Just guessing on how this works, maybe I’m just doing it wrong. :wink:

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