[Major] Impossible jobs: destination EGVT is not in MSFS2020

Jobs are generated for EGVT airport, which is not in MSFS2020 - so they are impossible to complete.

I tried to do a quick job the other day. It was with a G1000 172. I passed the preflight but it said “You cannot fly this flight. Cargo takes too much space and or weighs too much.”

It’s a quick job…it chose an aircraft and cargo combination that doesn’t work?

The flight before that, I started the tracking and got “Your flight has been cancelled due to changes in prohibited settings” Ok…what settings? I didn’t change anything, and it doesn’t tell me anything helpful.

The flight before that, which was my first attempt at using Aviatife, was a quick job using the DA40NG. I have the improvement mod, so I failed the preflight because my airplane is listed as 135 KTAS instead of 136 KTAS. I could’ve removed the mod, but have a feeling I would’ve ended with the results of my second attempt of a flight listed above anyway.

I’ve yet to do a flight with Aviatife, but I’ll try again eventually.

I tried to do a quick job the other day. It was with a G1000 172. I passed the preflight but it said “You cannot fly this flight. Cargo takes too much space and or weighs too much.”

Yeah, I encountered this one too once. I opened another topic (here) for this since it’s different than the one of this thread.

The flight before that, I started the tracking and got “Your flight has been cancelled due to changes in prohibited settings” Ok…what settings? I didn’t change anything, and it doesn’t tell me anything helpful.

In the pre-flight check, on Aviatife flight page, there are a number of checks with “Passed” in green or “Failed” in red to the right.
Try to start the flight again and check the expected and current values there and see what failed.
On some occasion, I noticed it did not recognize the client version, so the solution was simply to restart the client.

The flight before that, which was my first attempt at using Aviatife, was a quick job using the DA40NG. I have the improvement mod, so I failed the preflight because my airplane is listed as 135 KTAS instead of 136 KTAS. I could’ve removed the mod, but have a feeling I would’ve ended with the results of my second attempt of a flight listed above anyway.

On Aviatife, the improvement mod of DA40NG is listed as a separate plane (see Aircraft catalog). It has indeed 135 ktas instead of 136 ktas.
To make the Improved DA40NG available in Quick Job, you have to add it to your “Collection” (a new feature just introduced this week).

I hope you’ll be soon completing your first job in Aviatife!
Feel free to post here in the forum or on Discord if you need any other help :slight_smile:

Thank you!! Adding aircraft to “my collection” is exactly what I was looking for, but didn’t know it existed. This will help a ton regarding aircraft selection, since I own nearly all of them.

For that second flight, it was all green for the preflight, but I think it was the wrong aircraft anyway. I was supposed to use the X Cub, but my X Cubs speed didn’t match, (don’t remember if it’s modded) if I remember correctly, I loaded the NX Cub, which gave me all green passing for the preflight, so I assumed that was the aircraft I was supposed to use. It let me start tracking on the webpage. The client is what gave the flight tracking cancel message. I didn’t even know it wasn’t tracking until I took off and a guy told me vocally that my flight wasn’t being tracked :joy:

I will try again later. Now that I have more aircraft choices, I think I might actually succeed one of these times. :cowboy_hat_face:

Thank you for creating these forms. I’ve been in the discord for a long time, but I struggle to follow conversations there.

A small note that might help you in the futurs also, use the MSFS Addon Linker to manage you addons. That is a small program that lets you turn on and off addons to msfs.
Its a god sent when upgrading and addons broke.
It basicaly works like you have all you addons installed in its filer, and when you “turn on” a addon it will make a link into the addon directory of MSFS.
You fint it here - MSFS Addons Linker » Microsoft Flight Simulator
And here is a good video explaing how to install and use - Msfs2020*Addon linker guide for beginners*This is the BEST app to manage your addons Hands Down! - YouTube

Ok, I’ve figured out what’s wrong.

I’ve been trying to give Aviatife a try after Szymon informed me that crash detection could be turned off. (I’m assuming “ImBigFatBoy” on the MSFS forum is Szymon in discord based on the photos)

His comment to me:

Hi. Thank you! I’m pleased to inform you that today I’ve added a new difficulty setting (you can find them in the Company → Difficulty settings) that disables that validation step altogether. (But opt-out airline from leaderboards etc.) So, by enabling that option you don’t need to have crash detection enabled. :partying_face:

End quote

I changed the difficulty setting as directed above, and it indeed does not include the crash detection validation in the preflight checks. However, having crash detection turned off is what’s causing me to get the “Your flight has been cancelled due to changes in prohibited settings” message in the client. Turning crash detection on in MSFS solves that issue, but as stated in the MSFS forums, that’s a deal breaker for me.

Also, I apologize for hijacking this thread :pleading_face:

Ok, I’ve figured out what’s wrong.

I’ve been trying to give Aviatife a try after Szymon informed me that crash detection could be turned off. (I’m assuming “ImBigFatBoy” on the MSFS forum is Szymon in discord based on the photos)

His comment to me:

Hi. Thank you! I’m pleased to inform you that today I’ve added a new difficulty setting (you can find them in the Company → Difficulty settings) that disables that validation step altogether. (But opt-out airline from leaderboards etc.) So, by enabling that option you don’t need to have crash detection enabled. :partying_face:

End quote

I changed the difficulty setting as directed above, and it indeed does not include the crash detection validation in the preflight checks. However, having crash detection turned off is what’s causing me to get the “Your flight has been cancelled due to changes in prohibited settings” message in the client. Turning crash detection on in MSFS solves that issue, but as stated in the MSFS forums, that’s a deal breaker for me.

Do you mind if I create a separate bug thread on your behalf? I’ll just link it back here.

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Please do, especially now that I know what the problem is. I’ll just wait until it’s resolved.

Moderation note - Original issue Added to Backlog