Refueling more than once

Hello, I am still new to the game and Aviatife. Wondering if it’s possible to take a mission that is over the airplanes max distance, but just stop at other airports to refuel along the way?

Another question, if I run out of fuel on my mission, am I able to stop at another airport to fuel up? Kinda the same question as before, but one is intentional, the other is a mistake. haha.


Hi there!
Yes you can make a mission flight in a number of “hops”.
Just plan a flight - select you plane and enter in an airport ICAO code and select it.
And when you land - finish the flight on the aviatife website (and don’t bother to park as its only the final park place that counts for the bonuses).
And the plan a new flight.

And if you ran out of fule during a flight you can land at any ariport, and finish the flight in the website, and then plane a new one - and fil up he plane again.

You can also plan a shorter flight, and if you fly more efficient and get a lower fuel consumption, you can even fly longer than the initial planed flight (perhaps even to the destination).